Robot Challenge (Intermediate)

  19SU-106-OCES-Full day class
  6/10/2019 - 6/13/2019
  Mo, Tu, We, Th
  8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  Oak Creek Elementary:
  Jeff Kahl 19540

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Robotics Clubs USA is looking for young engineers to help JJ the Robot get its move on! Our Robotic Engineers work with the Lego EV3 MindStorms system, where they will explore the application of a number of sensors, gyro, light, touch, and ultrasonic. Our engineers will program JJ to conduct a number of fun-filled missions, working in a cooperative and competitive environment, all while having fun. Prior experience with Lego EV3 Mindstorm system is required to join Robotics Clubs USA to help JJ the Robot .